Adrienne Okeefe
This is my story of how I discovered Our Sacred Connection.
Adrienne OKeefe
My name is Adrienne OKeefe and I was born in 1960, the first child and only daughter of Edward Cornelius OKeefe and Marie Isabel Gallant OKeefe. I chose two wonderful, loving, and open-minded people to be my parents. I say chose because we do choose the families we are born into. I will share more about this later…
I have memories from when I was a baby of what I thought were birds flying over my crib. When I think about it now I wonder if they were birds or angels, or maybe fairies? The only thing that I am really sure of is that they had wings.
I believe all babies are born open. However, not all retain the memories of their visits with Spirit beings.
As a toddler, I would speak to “someone” in the bathroom — full, detailed conversations. Unfortunately, I do not remember what was discussed, I do remember my mother asking me through the closed door, who I was talking to. Interestingly enough, I also remember seeing my mother on the other side of the door — yet, the door was closed. Was I somehow remotely viewing her, I am not sure. I do know I saw her knock on the closed door of the bathroom that I was in.
Open Childhood
I had a heightened awareness as a child. I noticed things around me, and shared what I was seeing or what I knew. I was also able to read the facial expressions of the adults in my “inner circle”.
Another memory I have: One afternoon, somewhere around age 2 ½ or 3, I was in my grandfather’s living room with him and my father. They were watching something on TV, it was a scene with cars on a road and the headlights were on. I believe it was my father who asked, why are the car lights on? Without hesitation I answered, because it’s a funeral. I still remember their expressions and how they looked at one another, two sets of eyes, wide open in amazement.
Aunt Loretta
My father’s older sister Loretta was a nun with the Sisters of St. Joseph. She was cloistered at a convent in Illinois. Two weeks before I was born Aunt Loretta left the convent. As a welcome home she was asked to be my godmother. My relationship with my aunt was very special. Besides fulfilling her role as godmother she also was first my spiritual mentor. Stepping away from the sisterhood did not change who she was — a deeply devoted, spiritually awakened woman.
As an adolescent my heightened sense helped me figure out if people had good intentions — or not. I understand now, I was reading their energy. One example that comes to mind, or I should say that I can still remember :)…
My father had men come to the house to lay new carpet, at the end of the day there was a small hallway that wasn’t finished. The guys said they would be back in the morning. I watched my father pay them, in full. When they left, I piped up and said, you shouldn’t have paid them, they are not coming back. Poor dad, who by the way was a very savvy guy, just looked at his nine-year-old daughter, and said nothing. Of course, they didn’t come back.
This “sense” of mine began to taper off around age 10, which is not unusual. Once children begin school, any psychic or heightened awareness they exhibit, more often than not, dims. I am happy to report I did not lose my sense of curiosity.
My Aunt Loretta began sharing her “spiritual” books with me when I was 11. Initially the books were Christian based, authors such as Reverend Billy Graham, a well known evangelist, and Kathryn Kuhlman, also an evangelist, who held large healing services, among many others.
I loved to read but more importantly the books she shared broadened my perspective on religions. I attended Catholic schools from first through twelfth grades, there were definitely aspects of the Catholic faith that didn’t align with my beliefs and how I viewed the world.
My aunt did not refer to herself as psychic, yet she did experience visions. In my late teens she shared she had visions of Mother Mary and also St. Therese of the Roses. Throughout her life, my aunt was on a spiritual quest. She passed this mantle to me.
The Tea Room
Though I am sure it wasn’t intentional, my mother was the one who ignited my fascination with all things Supernatural. We would often go to downtown Boston to shop. We lived in Chelsea, a little city just north of Boston. We were able to see the skyline from the second floor of my childhood home. I loved going into town (how we referred to it) to shop with my mother. On one of our excursions, I was around 12, mom decided we should go to the Tremont Tea Room. I can close my eyes and so easily see us sitting at the little cafe table eating finger sandwiches and drinking tea. Once our tea was finished, a flamboyant woman with very bright red lipstick sat with us and read our tea leaves. I don’t recollect anything of what she said, I do remember her energy, and how captivated I was with what she was able to do.
That was the “Beginning” for me, even though I had no idea that it was. My quest had begun.
The New Age Movement
The 70’s were the beginning of the New Age movement, which quickly spread through the occult and metaphysical religious communities. As it is said, timing is everything. I wasn’t a member of any group or community, I was more plugged in, in a literary way.
By age 14 I was reading anything and everything I could get my hands on about the supernatural and the occult. Around this same time self help books began to show up, my Virgo personality loved these too!
An advertisement in a magazine caught my eye about The Rosicrucian Order, AMORC, which stands for Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis. It read, “The Greatest Power On Earth! The Magic of the Mind. The Rosicrucians (NOT a religious organization) have been leaders in introducing the ancient wisdom of mental phenomena. Established throughout the world for centuries, they have for ages expounded these truths to men and women who sought to make the utmost of their natural faculties.” Oh yes, my 15-year-old self wanted to know more! I couldn’t fill out the coupon to receive the free book The Mastery Of Life quick enough! Once it came, I decided I had to receive the monthly small green booklets called Master Monograph. Some of the subjects discussed, alchemy, astrology and occult forces in nature. The information shared stirred my soul and rang true in my heart. I was excited to be a Neophtye of the Rosicrucian Brotherhood.
By the beginning of the 70’s Hippie Culture was in full swing. The carefree, wanderlust, make love not war beliefs that the movement shared spoke to me. Especially the wanderlust. I liked to roam. Times were different, by 14 I was hopping on buses by myself or with friends and traveling around. My favorite destination, downtown. Popping into the Tremont Tea Room, shopping on Winter Street and then bopping over to Boston Commons to take in the sites was teenage nirvana for me.
On one particular Saturday on the Commons, not far from the Hari Krishna table, there was a small group of people selling a book that looked interesting. I purchased a copy of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, by L. Ron Hubbard.
I also naively gave my phone number and address. I had no idea what the Church of Scientology was. My mother did. For the most part mom indulged my curious nature. However, when the phone calls came she would politely tell the caller I wasn’t home.Then one Saturday afternoon, a few young members of the church arrived at our front door. Mom wasn’t pleased. She helped the unannounced visitors understand my name was to be removed from their list and if they ever came back to her home again she would call the police. So ended any involvement I may or may not have had with The Church of Scientology.
I was fine with that. My real interests lay elsewhere.
In my late teens I was busy with school, work and friends.
The 80s
I turned 20 in 1980, and life became all about fun, and partying, and more partying. Disco was in full swing. There were so many fabulous clubs, and the music was incredible! My friends and I started planning for the weekend on Tuesday.
I was also old enough to travel, and I did. Both in the US and abroad. I definitely had the full experience in the 80’s. I could write a book just about this decade, maybe someday I will…
Trance Channeling
Books on the occult and supernatural continued to find their way to me. In 1983, my Aunt Loretta passed along her copy of Shirley McClaine’s Out on a Limb. This is an autobiographical book, in it Ms. McClaine shares her journey through New Age Spirituality. What I found most interesting, her sessions with a trance channeler. Even though I had read many books on the occult, I had no idea trance channelers existed.
Of course, once you become aware of something it somehow comes into your view again and again.
Such was the case with trance channeling. I frequented The Pyramid, a New Age bookstore in Salem, Mass. In a private space at the back of the store readings were done, and small events were held. One Saturday afternoon, not long after reading Out on a Limb, I was shopping at The Pyramid and noticed a flyer announcing the bookstore would be hosting an evening with a trance channeler. I was giddy with excitement! I had to go!
I really didn’t want to go alone, however none of my friends had any interest in seeing a trance channeler. I am not sure why, but I mentioned it to my boss, and he responded, “I will go with you”. Perfect! Gerry was about eight or ten years older than me. Besides being a great boss, he was an all around nice guy, who allowed his twenty-three-year-old assistant a lot of leeway... I knew how lucky I was to have him as my boss and always did my best for him.
Finally, it was the night to see the trance channeler. We got to the bookstore a little early to get good seats. As I write this some-forty-years later I am still so grateful that we did not sit up front. I am pretty sure that was Gerry’s idea. We sat somewhere toward the back, however it really wasn't a big room.
The channeler went into trance and began to speak. For some reason it seemed funny to me. I started to laugh, I tried everything not to. Everything. I could not stop. My laughter became uncontrollable. At first, Gerry kept his composure. Not for long. We lasted maybe ten minutes. I am not sure which one of us said it first, but we knew we couldn’t stay. If we didn’t leave I am sure we would have been asked to. To this day I don’t know why I thought it was so funny, maybe I was nervous or I wasn’t ready for it? It certainly was a memorable night! I decided it might be best to let some time pass before I went back to the Pyramid bookstore.
I have had many opportunities since then to sit in the company of other trance channelers and thankfully never had a reaction like that.
Around 1985 the book Seth Speaks, with Jane Roberts, found its way into my hands. This book is actually trance channeled through Jane, who gives all credit for the book to Seth, a Spirit entity. Jane spoke it for him and her husband Rob transcribed it for them. It is a fascinating book. While reading a particular passage Seth states, “you choose the family you are born into” While reading this sentence I experienced a spontaneous memory from my childhood. I saw myself, probably around age 2, get out of bed, walk into the hall and peek in at my parents. They were sitting in the living room with my fathers’ parents. I distinctly remember looking at them and saying to myself, “I am so glad I chose this family.” I was stunned! My spontaneous memory confirmed we do choose the circumstances of our birth.
The 90s
I have been on this planet for sixty years, if I had to choose one decade that shaped and defined who I am today, hands down it is the 90’s.
On February 2, 1991 my niece Andraya Marie OKeefe was born, she is my youngest brother Bobby ’s first child. Just nine days later on February 11 my father, only 51-years-old, passed to Spirit.
My dad had been ill for some time, he suffered from PKD (polycystic kidney disease), and spent nearly twelve years on dialysis. Sadly, because of other health issues Dad was not a candidate for a kidney transplant. PKD is a hereditary disease, and unfortunately both my younger brother Eddie (two years my junior) and I did inherit the disease.
Church of Spiritualism
Several years after my father’s death, a friend who lives in Salem, Massachusetts asked me if I would go with her to a church of Spirituality, located a few blocks from her apartment. I agreed to attend one of their Sunday night services. The date was April 2, 1995. A very important date for me, as it was my first time walking into a Spiritualist church, not a church of spirituality.
My friend and I had no idea what a Spiritualist church was. It certainly wasn’t like any church service either of us had ever attended. We soon found out what made it so different. During the last twenty minutes of the service a woman, referred to as a medium, brought through messages from loved ones in Spirit. My friend received a message from her grandfather. It was an evidential and very meaningful message. She was in awe, and so was I!
I still laugh when I think about that day. Up to that point I had read countless books on psychic phenomena, as well as the occult, and I knew about trance channeling, yet had no clue what a medium was.
The following Sunday, which was Palm Sunday, April 9, 1995, my friend and I went back for another service. When it was time for the medium to deliver her messages she asked if she could come to me. As soon as she began speaking, I understood the message was from my father. I was overcome with emotion, my tears flowed freely. I had no doubt she was communicating with my father. There was no way she could know any of the information she shared that evening.
My father’s message to me was an acknowledgment that he didn’t leave his papers in order, but he knew I was more than capable of taking care of it. Besides, he shared, where he is these things don’t really matter. It was nice to know my father still had his sense of humor. Thanks Dad!
When my father passed he did not leave a will and his estate was in complete disarray. Our family home, where my mother was still residing, had all kinds of liens on it.
Needless to say the title for the property was not clean. To make matters worse, my mother and brother took a personal loan out and used the house as collateral. I was in the process of purchasing the property and negotiating with the debtors, to remove the liens so we could have a clean title for the lender who I was working with for my new mortgage. Yes it was as complicated as it sounds.
However, as dad predicted I did get it all sorted out.
Becoming a Medium
Palm Sunday 1995 was the beginning of my journey of becoming a medium, even though it was the furthest thing from my mind.
Over the next few months I happily attended Sunday service at the First Spiritualist Church in Salem, Massachusetts. However, to my disappointment the church closed every summer from Memorial Day through Labor Day weekend. I asked one of the women if there was another church around. She shared, during the summer a Spiritualist service is held on Wednesday evenings with Reverend Ida Donadio at the Unitarian church in Medford, Massachusetts.
The following Wednesday I found my way to Unitarian church on Main Street in Medford. The service was done in the same format as the church in Salem, just a little more informal. I enjoyed Rev. Ida’s energy, it was very engaging, she had a lovely smile and an infectious laugh. I felt a connection with her straight away. I found my place.
I looked forward to going back to the next service. After the service Rev. Ida walked over to me, introduced herself and said, “you are a healer.” I had no idea how to respond to that. She continued, “I hold a Circle of Love at my house every Thursday night, would you like to join tomorrow night?” I was surprised and thrilled. I told her I would love to join in.
Ida’s Circle of Love was just that. Every week we opened the circle singing “The Rose.” To this day when I hear that song I think of Ida. Usually there were between 7-10 people sitting in the circle. It began with healing, each of us saying names of people who were in need of healing, once that was complete anyone who was developing as a medium would connect with Spirit and bring through a message for someone in circle. I was a little out of my league, and basically was content to just sit “in the energy.” Sometimes Ida would have a special guest come in, such as a trance medium or a gifted healer. I experienced so many wonderful things in Ida’s circle. Most importantly I received Ida’s amazing love and mentorship. Spending this time with her was a very important part of my spiritual development.
I continued to attend the Wednesday night services. At one of the services there was a medium visiting from another church. During the mediumship segment she came to me, I don’t remember who the Spirit was that she brought through. The message, however, always stayed with me. She said, “ someday you will be up on a platform just like this doing what I am doing.” I remember thinking, yeah that's never going to happen!
On September 15, 1996, at the young age of 61, my beloved Aunt Loretta passed to Spirit. She had been ill with cancer for quite some time. I am very grateful that I was able to spend quality time with her before she died. We spent our time talking about what we both love, spirituality, the supernatural and yes spiritualism. Since her passing, I have received many messages from her, as well as dream visits.
Through the fall and winter of 1996, into the spring of 1997 I was very busy. Juggling my real estate business (I got my real estate license in 1985 and my brokers license in 1986) along with helping take care of my 5-year-old niece (it takes a village) and spending time with my mother (she had a stroke February 1996, and for the most part had recovered) life was a whirlwind.
I continued to attend Wednesday night services when my schedule allowed and sit in Ida’s Circle of Love on Thursday evenings. The circle was my sanctuary. I did not feel ready to participate in the development portion of the circle. However, I believed the time spent with Ida and the other circle attendees was beneficial in so many ways. For sure it was strengthening my connection with Spirit.
After my father passed my mother and I had a standing Friday night dinner date. On occasion we would invite (allow) someone to join us. Usually though it was just the two of us. I loved our dinner dates.
On one particular Friday one of us couldn’t make it, so instead I picked her up and took her for lunch. It was quick, as I had to get back to work. The date was June 20, 1997, it would be the last time I would sit across from Mom to share a meal.
Late Saturday night, early Sunday morning my phone rang. It was my brother Bobby, he said “something is wrong with Mom.” What do you mean, I asked, ``what is wrong?” He answered, “She is breathing funny, I can’t wake her up.” I raced over to my parents house, it was only a few blocks from mine. My mother had fallen asleep on the couch while watching TV, which wasn’t unusual.
I knelt down next to the couch. I am not sure how many times I told her, “Mommy I am here.” Finally, from the depths of wherever she hovered, I heard her whisper, “I know.”
The emergency medical team came in, did a quick assessment and put my mother in the ambulance. She was transported to Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. My brother and I followed the ambulance there. In my heart I knew Mom would not be coming home.
While we were waiting in the family room one of the doctors who examined mom came out to speak with us. He said mom had a major cerebral bleed in the front lobe of her brain. The doctor used an analogy that really helped us understand the trauma of mom’s brain injury. He said, “Picture a hose on full force aimed at a pile of dirt, what happens to the dirt? The second the accident happened your mother had absolutely no brain activity.”
How did Mom answer me when I told her I was there? I don’t know. The power of a Mother’s love knows no bounds.
I wanted to see her. When the nurse brought us in, I asked, “how will I know when she is gone?” I had to be certain her Spirit was free before I left her. The nurse showed me where to place my index and middle finger on her neck. She said you will feel the pulse slow down, then stop. I gently placed my fingers on my mother’s neck, right below her left ear. I felt a faint pulse, it only took a few minutes to stop. The nurse commented, “you are a wonderful daughter”.
I replied, “I had the most wonderful mother.”
Marie Isabel Gallant O’Keefe died on June 22, 1997 at the young age of 62.
Losing my mother was and is still the single most profound loss of my life. She was my best friend — my rock. I was so very blessed to have her for the 37 years that I did.
What I remember most about Mom’s wake was the outpouring of love from those who came. My mother touched a lot of people. Friends of Mom shared stories that I had never heard — some were very funny. My mother had a great sense of humor. What was shared was beautiful and so appreciated. It was also bittersweet.
Reverend Ida came to my mother’s wake. I was so touched. It was wonderful to have her loving presence there.
A week after mom passed I attended a Wednesday night service. Rev. Ida happened to be the speaker and medium serving. I hoped that Mom would come through. The last message of the night was for me. Ida brought my father through, he said that mom was with him and she was being taken care of. I understood what this meant. When someone who has been sick crosses over they are usually tended to in the Hall of Healing. It was enough for me to know that Mom was safe in Spirit. I was grateful for the message.
The following week we did not have a Wednesday night church service. Rev. Ida was having a girl’s night with some friends that she hadn’t seen for awhile.
On Thursday morning, around 7:30 my phone rang. It was a woman that I attended Ida’s Circle of Love with. She was very upset. The early morning call was to let me know our beloved Ida had passed to Spirit the night before. I didn’t believe what I was hearing. After dinner Ida and her girlfriends went to see a movie. While sitting in the theater Ida had a fatal heart attack. Paramedics tried to revive her — Ida was already gone.
On July 9, 1997 — two weeks after my Mother’s passing — at the young age of 66, Rev. Ida joined her in Spirit.
The loss of my mother left a deep hole in my heart. I had to figure out how to navigate life without her. It was not easy. Now with the passing of Rev. Ida I felt lost, untethered.
I went back to the Wednesday night service, however, with Ida not there it just didn’t feel the same. More accurately I didn’t feel the same. I was disheartened with Spiritualism, and with Spirit. I decided it didn’t serve a purpose in my life, and I stepped away.
I put my focus on family, in particular my 6-year-old niece, friends, my health, work and travel.
September 11
On September 10, 2001 it was a regular Monday. I went to work, picked up my niece from school, made dinner, watched a little TV and went to bed. Sometime in the night or early morning hours of Tuesday September 11th I had a dream. In the dream I am in a building, which sort of resembles a parking garage. My parents are standing on my left and my niece is standing to my right, we are holding hands. The Four of us are looking out of an opening, watching as a plane flies into another building. I say out loud, “ I am never flying again.” My niece responds, “ Yes you will.” My parents are silent.
Around 7:30 am, my boyfriend calls, and I share the “weird” dream with him.
We chat for a few minutes, and hang up so I can get ready to go to the office. At around 9:00 my boyfriend called me back, yelling, “ Your dream came true! Turn the TV on!” I turn the TV on just as the second plane slams into the other tower. Basically, exactly what I saw in my dream. After the attack on the World Trade Center, like everyone else, I felt so many different emotions.
My dream was disturbing. Of course, I knew there was nothing I could do to stop the attack from happening. Eventually I understood that I had tapped into the energy “grid” of our planet. I wasn’t the only one, many people were impacted by this event on a psychic level.
Swampscott Church of Spiritualism
At Christmastime a few months later, my friend (the same one I attended the Salem church with) asked me if I wanted to go to a Winter Solstice Celebration at a Spiritualist church in Swampscott. I had no idea there was a Spiritualist church in Swampscott. I was intrigued and agreed to go.
On December 15, 2001 we found our way to the Swampscott Church of Spiritualism. I walked into the historical little white church by the sea built in 1854 and was completely captivated by it. It was simple and beautiful. The stained glass windows, stunning.
For the Solstice the interior of the church was lit with candles, poinsettias lined the front of the church along the platform and a gentleman was playing the flute. It was absolutely magical. The celebration was beautiful, there was singing and storytelling, the energy in the church was transcendent. I loved it.
Over the next few months I found myself thinking about the little church in Swampscott. I decided to attend a service. On a Sunday morning in mid March 2002 I attended my first Spiritualist service in more than four years. It was lovely. There was a hands-on healing segment, singing, music, a lecture and mediumship. It felt familiar and comforting.
After a few weeks of attending services at the Swampscott Church of Spiritualism I knew I had found my place, my new spiritual home. The church had been established in 1971. There were men and women in the church who were lifelong Spiritualists. I knew I could grow and learn a lot here. I felt an excitement I hadn’t felt for some time.
Interestingly, around the same time that I began to go to the church, there was an influx of other like-minded men and women who had found their way, or were guided to the church — for various reasons.
It is said that your tribe shows up when you are ready. I can certainly attest to this. I developed friendships my first few years at the church that turned into lifelong bonds.
Sometime in the fall of 2002 I joined another circle, that also happened to be on Thursday evenings. The circle was run by Nancy Strickland, who was a member of the Swampscott Church of Spiritualism. Nancy was a lifelong Spiritualist, she worked as a teacher and was wonderful at coaxing, guiding and helping those who sat in her circle, with the intent to develop their mediumship skills.
Week after week I sat in circle, along with some of my friends from the church. As I watched and experienced those around me develop, I remained “dormant.”
In February 2003 I was asked to consider running for a Trustee position that was opening up on the board. I said yes. I was elected as a trustee and happily stepped in to serve the church. Working for the church as a volunteer, organizing fundraisers and helping the church grow its membership was something I felt called to do. I was also good at recruiting others to volunteer their time. Because of an amazing group of committed people who joined the board and rolled up their sleeves the church membership doubled in size and the finances became more stable. Over a twelve year period I held every position on the board, including two terms as president.
Meanwhile my mediumship development was for the most part stalled. I guess my ego was in charge, even If I did see an image, sense emotion or receive an impression I didn’t have the confidence to share it. My issue was lack of trust. I didn’t know how to overcome my blocks, and decided to take a break.
Instead every Sunday I stood behind a healing chair. Of course, I thought about Rev. Ida, and knew she was smiling at me from Spirit. Her words came back to me, “you are a healer.”
I received two amazing gifts in March of 2004. My nephew Zachary Edward was born on March 18th (my brother Bobby’s second child) and the perfect house that I had been praying for became available. I signed the Purchase and Sale a week before Zachary was born and moved in June 2004. My beautiful old house is located in a neighborhood close to the beach, just a short walk to the church.
Shortly after moving into my new home I began to have experiences with Spirit. By experience I mean, I saw Spirit. I would wake up in the middle of the night and see Spirit in my room. Looking at me.
One time it was a man sitting by my bed in a chair. I said out loud, very funny, you brought your own chair! I guess he was surprised I could see him. He, and his chair left in a poof! Another time I woke up and felt someone sitting on my bed, when I finally got the nerve to look, it was a woman — just sitting there looking at me. Another night, I rolled over and a woman with a golden glow that lit the room was standing next to my bed.
These sightings happened over the span of a year. Eventually I understood Spirit’s message, “we are waiting for you, we want to work with you.” By 2005 I was once again sitting in various development circles and classes held at the church. Slowly I began to trust and share the impressions, images and words I received from Spirit. Although it was still a slow process, I was committed to it.
I continued to stand behind the healing chairs on Sundays. One Sunday I had an epiphany. I realized the energy that I was feeling while healing, is the same energy that mediums work with when connecting and communicating with Spirit. It is coming from the same source.
There was a second part to the epiphany, the energy stream is subtle. Very subtle. I began to understand the more you worked with it, the stronger it became. Mediums will often refer to this as , “sitting in the power.”
On a Sunday, probably in 2007, during a service, one of the lifetime members of the church was giving a lecture. While speaking she mentioned Rev. Ida Donadio. She shared that Ida was instrumental in helping her cope with her daughter's health issues. I wondered how she knew Ida? When service was over I went to her and asked. She shared, “Ida was one of the early founders and members of this church, as well as pastor for a number of years.”
I could not believe what I was hearing! This was Ida’s first church! I shared my story of Ida and how special she was to me.
Wow! I know in my heart my dear Ida guided me to the Swampscott Church of Spiritualism.
Between 2006-2009 I continued to sit in circles and classes at church with various teachers and develop my mediumship skills. Although I was not ready for public work to share messages from the platform, I became more comfortable sharing messages in a circle setting. I began to trust.
In July 2009 a friend held a mediumship class at her office. The person who taught the class, a mutual friend of ours, is a gifted medium and high school teacher.
The three of us sat in development classes/circles together before, however this was the first time our friend was the facilitator/teacher.
Perhaps it was the timing, or maybe I was just ready. Either way this class was a game changer for me. Everything just clicked.
For the last class each student was asked to bring a guest. The format of the class would be done as a public demonstration, with each one of the students standing before the group to do a message.
I brought through someone’s dad, with evidence and a very meaningful message. I found out afterwards just how much the message meant. The woman's mother was close to passing, she later shared that her father coming through gave her so much comfort.
I began to do more public work. Little by little my confidence grew. Instead of working behind the scenes at fundraisers, I worked the front of the house. I did one on one readings at Spirit festivals we held at church. These 15-minute readings helped me hone my skills.
More importantly I came to realize the importance of this work. When someone is grieving and a message from a loved one brings them comfort and healing, it’s just incredible to witness. Every single time I feel the love from Spirit radiate from my heart chakra to the person sitting in front of me (they feel it too) I am gobsmacked, and humbled.
Eventually I accepted it was time for me to stand up on the platform. Part of the certification process through the Swampscott Church of Spiritualism is serving during Sunday services.
I believe it was in early 2010 when I shared my first lecture and messages from the platform. The message I received from the visiting medium 14 years prior at Reverend Ida’s church in Medford echoed back to me, “Someday you will be standing on a platform like this doing what I am doing.”
As I did more public work, both one on one readings and platform work, it did get easier.
One Sunday I was the medium for the service. My messages really flowed, they were heartfelt, there were tears, laughter (I love when there is laughter) as well as evidence. What was amazing for me, mid-point through the half hour, I realized how much I was enjoying the work. Afterwards, I thought to myself, “wow that was actually fun”. Spirit chimed right in and said, “Exactly! We want you to enjoy the work.”
Of course, it’s also important to be discerning. When I am sitting with someone who is grieving the loss of a loved one, I am keenly aware of what they are feeling. Spirit is amazing though, so often when tears are flowing, the loved one coming through will say or show me something to cause the sitter to laugh. Laughter is very healing.
On October 6, 2013 I was awarded the Certificate of Mediumship through the Swampscott Church of Spiritualism. The certificate states, “This is to certify that Adrienne O’Keefe has completed all the educational and practical requirements to serve as a duly qualified medium in the religion of Spiritualism.” I am very proud of this achievement. I know Mom, Aunt Loretta and Ida were clapping and cheering in Spirit. I am so grateful for the Love and Guidance they showered me with when they were here and now from Spirit.
At the beginning of my story I shared that both my brother Eddie and I inherited PKD (polycystic kidney disease) from our father. My brother Eddie’s kidneys failed in 2003. He was on dialysis for a short time and in June 2005 he had a kidney transplant. He received the live kidney donation from an amazing woman who worked with his wife Stacey. Sadly, within a few years the kidney failed, and it was necessary for Ed to receive dialysis treatments again. Due to other health issues my brother was not a candidate for another transplant.
Knowing that Ed would spend his remaining years on dialysis was devastating. I supported him and showed up for him in any way I could. Our family celebrated Ed’s 50th birthday 8/28/12. In my heart I knew that Ed would not be here for his 51st birthday.
Sometime during the night of February 13th, 2013 I had a dream about Eddie. He was lying in a bed wrapped in white blanket, his head was also covered. It looked like he was in a cocoon, with only his face visible. My mother was also in the dream, I didn’t see her, I heard her voice, she said, “ Don’t worry, my face will be the first face Eddie sees.” When I awoke in the morning, the image of Ed and my mother’s words came back to me. Our mother had come to prepare me for Ed’s passing. I went to the office, and within a few hours Ed’s wife called me, “ I am taking Ed up to Union Hospital, he is not well.” My heart sank.
While I was sitting in the waiting area with my sister-in-law a code blue was called. I knew it was Ed. He hung on another day and a half. On Friday morning February 15th we all gathered around Ed and each placed a hand on him and told him how much we loved him. I felt a shift in the energy of the room, as if heaven and earth were meeting above Ed’s hospital bed. I understood Ed had transitioned to Spirit. Without a doubt the first thing he saw on the other side was our mother’s beautiful face.
Losing Ed was so hard, my grief deep. I took some comfort knowing Ed was in a beautiful place, free from pain. I know our parents, grandparents and other loved ones on the other side celebrated his return home.
In early November 2013 I had a doctor's appointment with my primary care doctor. As usual I had blood work done to check my kidney function. A few days later I received a call from my doctor. She had concerns about my blood work and wanted me to see a Nephrologist (a kidney doctor). A week before Thanksgiving I met with the specialist. She didn’t mince her words, my kidneys were failing. It was time to look at my options. I asked her how long before they don’t work at all. She said maybe a year. I made the decision not to say anything until after the holidays. I guess because it was our first Thanksgiving and Christmas without Ed. Or I was just in complete denial.
Christmas Eve, after everybody left and my nephew Zach was tucked in bed I sat quietly gazing at the tree, watching a Christmas movie. In the movie someone said, “it's a Christmas Miracle!” I said out loud to whoever was listening, “I could really use a Christmas miracle right about now!”
In February I drove myself into Boston to attend an informational at Mass General Hospital about kidney transplants. It is a day-long process where you meet with a surgeon, a social worker etc. When I sat with the social worker she asked me why I came to the appointment alone. I responded, “I haven’t told anyone yet.” She looked surprised and said, “well you have to tell people, there is no way you can do this alone.”
Literally 20 minutes later, while still at the hospital, my phone rang. It was one of my dearest friends asking how I was. I whispered, “I am not so good.” She asked, “Honey, what is going on?” I explained I was at a doctor's appointment, and would call her back in an hour.
When I told my friend what my situation was, she said, “I will support you and be there for you every step of the way.” If she could have, she would have given me one of her kidneys, however, her health issues prevented that.
A few days later, I shared my story with another dear friend. She looked at me and responded, I want to know more about giving you a kidney. When I told another close friend, she said, “I will give you a kidney.” Over the next month I quietly shared what I was dealing with. Five amazing women were willing to get tested to see if they were a match. Four out of the five women were members of the Swampscott church. To say that my church family rallied around me is an understatement.
I decided to be seen by the Kidney team at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. Ed had his surgery there, he received excellent care. It just felt right.
In June 2014 I along with my tribe of amazing, caring women went to Tufts Medical Center to meet with the woman who would be the transplant coordinator. She explained what the surgery was like when donating a kidney as well as what to expect after the surgery. After the meeting each woman had blood drawn. If one of the women was a match she would be contacted in mid July.
On July 11th I received a text, it read, “I received a call from Tufts. I said yes.” I was blown away, overjoyed, so grateful and humbled. What are the odds that my match would be a dear friend that I sat next to in church Sunday after Sunday, for years. Spirit is incredible!
My friend/ donor and I had our surgeries on January 6, 2015. In the Christian faith this is the Epiphany, when the Magi visited the Christ child bearing their gifts.
It is also known as Little Christmas. I received the most amazing gift of all — the Gift of Life. Remember my wish for a Christmas miracle the previous Christmas, it came true.
Sharing My Gifts
It has been almost seven years since my surgery. I know how blessed I am to be alive and to have my health. I don’t take anything for granted. Everyday is a gift. I am still here, to be someone's aunt, a friend, a sister, a sister-in-law, a confidant, a shoulder to lean on. Experiencing all the things I love. Like cooking, baking and sharing meals with friends and family. Rainy nights, crisp fall mornings, the scent of Spring, walking along the shore on a beautiful summer afternoon. Pumpkins. Christmas lights. Laughter. Hugs. Signs from Spirit.
And the Milestones
We celebrated my nephew Zachary’s Bar Mitzvah three years ago. It has been such a joy to watch Zach evolve into the amazing, considerate, articulate, funny young man that he is today. I could not be prouder of him.
My niece Andraya is a mom now. In July 2020, Andraya gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. I love every second I get to spend with Noah Edward. I am in awe of Andraya’s motherly instincts, her patience, and the beautiful bond she has created with her son. Noah chose well.
My communication with Spirit continues to evolve and grow. In my heart I know working with Spirit is more important now than ever. We are living through a time of great change. Our loved ones on the Spirit side of life are eager to help and guide us. I have come to understand that mediumship is my true calling, and I am honored for the opportunity to do this sacred work.
My journey continues….