
A medium is someone who is able to communicate with those who are living in the Spirit World — a mediator between two worlds, connecting those who live here on the earth plane with those who are living on the other side. Mediums offer proof that life is continuous, even after the change called death. 

There are various ways that a medium connects with and receives information from those on the other side. 

  • Visions, seeing with the mind's eye, or third eye — also known as clairvoyance, clair (clear), voyance (seeing). 

  • Feeling, experiencing emotions, through the heart chakra. These can be light, or very strong. This is clairsentience, clear feeling. 

  • Hearing, or clairaudience. Not necessarily hearing with the ear, more an inner hearing. 

  • Knowing, claircognizance. The intuitive ability of clear knowing. 

  • Lastly, clairgustance, the ability to taste a substance and clairsalience, a clear sense of smell.

My Work with Spirit

During my readings I use all of the “clairs”. Some — of course — are more prominent; however, there is a beautiful flow happening, as I move from feeling, to seeing and hearing to knowing.

Spirit is amazing, creative and very intelligent. What they are able to share, and how they bring it through often blows me away! Spirit continuously inspires. 

The Love and Healing that happens during a reading, though, is what truly motivates me to do this sacred work

My Gift is a blessing that I am grateful to share.

The Spirit World

The Spirit World is a vibrant, bustling dimension. Our loved ones — who have crossed over — are very much alive. They have interests, they continue to learn, there is growth and there is healing. Oftentimes when a loved one comes through they share with us, that now they have a clearer understanding of the lessons they were given when they were here. They no longer have blinders on, there is no ego in Spirit. 

Their personality, however, does remain intact. If they were a joker while here, they are a joker in Spirit. In fact, their personality is one of the important “tools” Spirit uses to identify themselves. 

There is also Joy, Love, and Jubilation in the Spirit World. 

Our loved ones are eager to share this love and joy with us. They will often bring a funny memory through, to bring about laughter — because the sound of their loved ones’ laughter is music to their ears.

When we are celebrating here on the earth plane, whatever the occasion may be, our loved ones in Spirit are right there with us! They are aware of every birthday, anniversary, and milestone achieved. 

Spirit will also share things that have not yet come to pass — understanding that time is not linear in the Spirit World; it is a timeless dimension. 

Perhaps a loved one in Spirit will reference something simple like a big bouquet of blue flowers. The person receiving the message doesn’t understand or know anything about blue flowers. Sure enough, three days later they receive the blue flowers. Now what was completely unknown becomes evidential. 

As a medium, to receive clear evidence from Spirit is one of the most important things to me. It leaves the person who has had a reading with no doubt that their loved one, in Spirit, has come through.

“My Gift is a blessing that I am grateful to share.”

— Adrienne OKeefe